A MEGA már 35 éve gyárt GC kapilláris oszlopokat. Alapítójának, Mario Gallinak 45 éves tapasztalata van a gázkromatográfiás technikában az analitikai és az ipari területen is. Beszállítónk a GC kapilláris oszlopok széles választékát kínálja, melyek minőségét garantálja a kolonnák egyedi tesztelése a Grob Teszt Mix alkalmazásával, ez igazolja a termékek nagy hatékonyságát.

A MEGA katalógus tartalmazza az alacsony vérzésű GC-MS kolonnákat, a FAST és Ultra-FAST GC kolonnákat, és megoldásokat a multidimenzionális és GCxGC átfogó technikákra.
Továbbá a MEGA gyártja a leghatékonyabb ciklodextrin alapú GC kapilláris kolonnát enantiomer királis elválasztásra (MEGA-DEX kolonna család).
Lehetőség van a termékek testreszabására, így minden kihívásnak eleget tudunk tenni.
Minden MEGA állófázis elérhető FAST, Conventional, Wide-Bore és Multidimensional-GC számára beleértve GCxGC-hez való kiteket.

Gyakori fázisok polaritása

GC oszlopok
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-1 100% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | DB-1, HP-1, AT-1(+), ZB-1, 007-1, Rtx-1, BP-1, SPB-1, CP Sil 5 CB | EPA: 504.1, 505, 551, 606, 612, 8141A/B, etc. USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 |
Solvent impurities, PCBs, SimDist, drugs, natural gases, essential oils, semivolatiles, pesticides, phenols, etc. |
MEGA-17 50% phenyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane |
340°C | DB-17, DB-608, HP-17, AT-50(+), ZB-50, 007-17, Rtx-17, BPX-50, SPB-50, CP Sil 24 CB | EPA: 604, 608, 619, 8060, 8081, etc. USP: G3, G17 |
Phthalate esters, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, etc. Ideal as confirmation column and GCxGC applications |
MEGA-1701 14% cyanopropylphenyl, 86% methyl polysiloxane |
280°C | DB-1701, HP-1701, AT-1701(+), ZB-1701, 007-1701, Rtx-1701, BP-10, SPB-1701, CP Sil 19 CB | EPA: 513, 515.2, 552.2, 607, 619, 622, 8091, 8121, etc. USP: G46 |
Residual solvents, oxygenated pesticides, essential oils, allergens, etc. Ideal as confirmation column and GCxGC applications |
MEGA-5 5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | DB-5, HP-5, AT-5(+), ZB-5, 007-5, Rtx-5, BP-5, SPB-5, CP Sil 8 CB | EPA: 506, 611, 604, 607, 608, 8015, 8041, 8082, 8091, etc.** USP: G27, G36, G41 |
Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, pesticides, phenols, etc. |
MEGA-SE52 5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | SE52 | USP: G27, G36, G41 | Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, triglycerides, pesticides, poly-waxes, etc. |
MEGA-SE54 5% phenyl, 1% vinyl, 94% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | SE54 | USP: G27, G36, G41 | Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, allergens, pesticides, etc. |
MEGA-WAX polyethylene glycol (PEG) |
250°C | DB-Wax, HP-Wax, AT-Wax(+), ZB-Wax, 007-CW, Rtx-Wax, BP-20, CP Wax 52 CB | EPA: 602, 603, 619, 8015C, etc. USP: G14, G15, G16, 467 (OVIs) |
FAMEs, flavor compounds, essential oils, BTEX aromatics, solvents, alcohols, etc. Tune your Wax column polarity (i.e. WAX-20M, WAX-400, WAX-8M and more!). Ask us for more info |
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-1 | 350°C | DB-1, HP-1, AT-1(+), ZB-1, 007-1, Rtx-1, BP-1, SPB-1, CP Sil 5 CB | EPA: 504.1, 505, 551, 606, 612, 8141A/B, etc. | Solvent impurities, PCBs, SimDist, drugs, natural gases, essential oils, semivolatiles, pesticides, phenols, etc. |
100% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 | |||
MEGA-17 | 340°C | DB-17, DB-608, HP-17, AT-50(+), ZB-50, 007-17, Rtx-17, BPX-50, SPB-50, CP Sil 24 CB | EPA: 604, 608, 619, 8060, 8081, etc. | Phthalate esters, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, etc. Ideal as confirmation column and GCxGC applications |
50% phenyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G3, G17 | |||
MEGA-1701 | 280°C | DB-1701, HP-1701, AT-1701(+), ZB-1701, 007-1701, Rtx-1701, BP-10, SPB-1701, CP Sil 19 CB | EPA: 513, 515.2, 552.2, 607, 619, 622, 8091, 8121, etc. | Residual solvents, oxygenated pesticides, essential oils, allergens, etc. Ideal as confirmation column and GCxGC applications |
14% cyanopropylphenyl, 86% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G46 | |||
MEGA-5 | 350°C | DB-5, HP-5, AT-5(+), ZB-5, 007-5, Rtx-5, BP-5, SPB-5, CP Sil 8 CB | EPA: 506, 611, 604, 607, 608, 8015, 8041, 8082, 8091, etc.** | Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, pesticides, phenols, etc. |
5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G27, G36, G41 | |||
MEGA-SE52 | 350°C | SE52 | USP: G27, G36, G41 | Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, triglycerides, pesticides, poly-waxes, etc. |
5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-SE54 | 350°C | SE54 | USP: G27, G36, G41 | Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, allergens, pesticides, etc. |
5% phenyl, 1% vinyl, 94% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-WAX | 250°C | DB-Wax, HP-Wax, AT-Wax(+), ZB-Wax, 007-CW, Rtx-Wax, BP-20, CP Wax 52 CB | EPA: 602, 603, 619, 8015C, etc. | FAMEs, flavor compounds, essential oils, BTEX aromatics, solvents, alcohols, etc. Tune your Wax column polarity (i.e. WAX-20M, WAX-400, WAX-8M and more!). Ask us for more info |
polyethylene glycol (PEG) | USP: G14, G15, G16, 467 (OVIs) |
GC oszlopok
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-1 MS low bleeding 100% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | DB-1 ms (UI), HP-1 ms, AT-1 ms(+), ZB-1 ms, Rtx-1 ms, Equity-1, CP Sil 5 CB ms | EPA: 504.1, 505, 606, etc. USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 |
Solvent impurities, PCBs, SimDist, drugs, natural gases, essential oils, semivolatiles, pesticides, phenols, etc |
MEGA-17 MS low bleeding 50% phenyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane |
340°C | DB-17 ms, Rtx-17 Sil ms | EPA: 505, 610, 614, 619, 8040, 8041, etc. USP: G3, G17 |
Phthalate esters, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, etc. Ideal as confrmation column and GCxGC applications |
MEGA-225 MS |
240°C | DB-225 ms | EPA: 8095 USP: G7, G19 |
Mid-to-high polarity phase Carbohydrates, sterols, favor compounds, etc. |
MEGA-35 MS |
340°C | DB-35 ms, BPX-35, BPX-608, ZB-MultiResidue-2, Rtx-35 Sil ms |
EPA: 507, 508, 552, 614, 615, 622, 8141A, 8151A, etc. USP: G28, G32, G42 |
Pesticides, PCBs, substituted polar compounds, phenols, etc. Ideal as confirmation column |
MEGA-5 MS 5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | SE52 | USP: G27, G36, G41 | Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, triglycerides, pesticides, poly-waxes, etc. |
MEGA-5 MS Xil low bleeding silphenylene based |
360°C | DB-5 ms (UI), Rtx-5 Sil ms, SLB-5 ms, ZB-5 ms | EPA: 513, 515.2, 521, 525, 529, 552.2, 604, 610, 625, 1613, 1625, 8041 8061A, 8081A, 8121, 8270C, etc. USP: G27, G36, G41 |
Dioxins and furans, herbicides, phthalate esters, POCs, chlorinated acids, etc. |
MEGA-WAX MS low bleeding polyethylene glycol (PEG) |
270°C | Stabilwax, ZB-Wax plus, InnoWax, VF-WAX ms |
EPA: 602, 603, 619, 8015C, 8121, etc. USP: G14, G15, G16, etc. |
FAMEs, favor compounds, essential oils, BTEX aromatics, solvents, alcohols, etc. |
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-1 MS | 350°C | DB-1 ms (UI), HP-1 ms, AT-1 ms(+), ZB-1 ms, Rtx-1 ms, Equity-1, CP Sil 5 CB ms | EPA: 504.1, 505, 606, etc. | Solvent impurities, PCBs, SimDist, drugs, natural gases, essential oils, semivolatiles, pesticides, phenols, etc |
low bleeding 100% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 | |||
MEGA-17 MS | 340°C | DB-17 ms, Rtx-17 Sil ms | EPA: 505, 610, 614, 619, 8040, 8041, etc. | Phthalate esters, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, etc. Ideal as confrmation column and GCxGC applications |
low bleeding 50% phenyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G3, G17 | |||
MEGA-225 MS | 240°C | DB-225 ms | EPA: 8095 | Mid-to-high polarity phase Carbohydrates, sterols, favor compounds, etc. |
low bleeding 25% cyanopropyl, 25% phenyl 50% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G7, G19 | |||
MEGA-35 MS | 340°C | DB-35 ms, BPX-35, BPX-608, ZB-MultiResidue-2, Rtx-35 Sil ms | EPA: 507, 508, 552, 614, 615, 622, 8141A, 8151A, etc. | Pesticides, PCBs, substituted polar compounds, phenols, etc. Ideal as confirmation column |
low bleeding 35% phenyl, 65% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G28, G32, G42 | |||
MEGA-5 MS | 350°C | SE52 | USP: G27, G36, G41 | Solvent impurities, PCBs, hydrocarbons, essential oils, semivolatiles, triglycerides, pesticides, poly-waxes, etc. |
5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-5 MS Xil | 360°C | DB-5 ms (UI), Rtx-5 Sil ms, SLB-5 ms, ZB-5 ms | EPA: 513, 515.2, 521, 525, 529, 552.2, 604, 610, 625, 1613, 1625, 8041 8061A, 8081A, 8121, 8270C, etc. | Dioxins and furans, herbicides, phthalate esters, POCs, chlorinated acids, etc. |
low bleeding silphenylene based | USP: G27, G36, G41 | |||
MEGA-WAX MS | 270°C | Stabilwax, ZB-Wax plus, InnoWax, VF-WAX ms | EPA: 602, 603, 619, 8015C, 8121, etc. | FAMEs, favor compounds, essential oils, BTEX aromatics, solvents, alcohols, etc. |
low bleeding polyethylene glycol (PEG) | USP: G14, G15, G16, etc. |
GC oszlopok
A MEGA-DEX GC kolonna család egyre bővül; keressen a weboldalunkon, vagy kérjen tőlünk több információt és alkalmazási lehetőséget pl. a MEGA-DEX B-01 és B-02 királis fázisokról.
A MEGA-DEX FAST királis kolonnák lehetővé teszik az enantiomer elválasztások felgyorsítását, megtartva a kiváló felbontást.
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-DEX DAC-Beta | 230°C | – | chiral-enantiomeric separations |
Diacethyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column. |
MEGA-DEX DAC-Gamma | 230°C | – | chiral-enantiomeric separations |
Diacethyl TBS Gamma cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DET-Beta | 230°C | – | chiral-enantiomeric separations |
Diethyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DET-Gamma | 230°C | – | chiral-enantiomeric separations |
Diethyl TBS Gamma cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DMP-Beta | 230°C | – | chiral-enantiomeric separations |
Dimethyl-pentyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DMT-Beta | 230°C | – | chiral-enantiomeric separations |
Dimethyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column. |
MEGA-DEX G-01 | 230°C | – | chiral-enantiomeric separations |
New cyclodextrin derivative based column. |
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-DEX DAC-Beta | 230°C | - | chiral-enantiomeric separations | Diacethyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column. |
MEGA-DEX DAC-Gamma | 230°C | - | chiral-enantiomeric separations | Diacethyl TBS Gamma cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DET-Beta | 230°C | - | chiral-enantiomeric separations | Diethyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DET-Gamma | 230°C | - | chiral-enantiomeric separations | Diethyl TBS Gamma cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DMP-Beta | 230°C | - | chiral-enantiomeric separations | Dimethyl-pentyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column |
MEGA-DEX DMT-Beta | 230°C | - | chiral-enantiomeric separations | Dimethyl TBS Beta cyclodextrin based column. |
MEGA-DEX G-01 | 230°C | - | chiral-enantiomeric separations | New cyclodextrin derivative based column. |
GC oszlopok
Magas hőmérsékletű elválasztás
A MEGA-HT magas hőmérsékletű kolonnákhoz speciális, magas hőmérsékletnek ellenálló, rugalmas polyimid borítást fejlesztettek ki.
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-1 HT 100% methyl polysiloxane for high temperature |
400°C | DB-1 HT, ZB-1 HT (Inferno) | – | High Molecular Weight Waxes, Motor Oils, Polymers/Plastics, Simulated Distillation |
MEGA-17 HT high temperature 50% phenyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane |
370°C | DB-17 HT | – | Ideal for confrmation analysis, ideal as high polarity dimension in GCxGC-HT configurations |
MEGA-5 HT high temperature 5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane |
400°C | DB-5 HT, ZB-5 HT (Inferno) | – | High Molecular Weight Waxes, Diesel Fuels, Simulated Distillation,Surfactants, Triglycerides |
MEGA-SE54 HT high temperature 5% phenyl, 1% vinyl, 94% methyl polysiloxane |
400°C | unique column | – | High boiling petroleum products, Long-chained hydrocarbons |
MEGA-WAX HT high temperature polyethylenglycol (PEG) |
300°C | unique column | – | Extend the temperature limits of your FAST-GC and GCxGC methods while using a polar WAX phase |
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-1 HT | 400°C | DB-1 HT, ZB-1 HT (Inferno) | - | High Molecular Weight Waxes, Motor Oils, Polymers/Plastics, Simulated Distillation |
100% methyl polysiloxane for high temperature | ||||
MEGA-17 HT | 370°C | DB-17 HT | - | Ideal for confrmation analysis, ideal as high polarity dimension in GCxGC-HT configurations |
high temperature 50% phenyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-5 HT | 400°C | DB-5 HT, ZB-5 HT (Inferno) | - | High Molecular Weight Waxes, Diesel Fuels, Simulated Distillation,Surfactants, Triglycerides |
high temperature 5% phenyl, 95% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-SE54 HT | 400°C | unique column | - | High boiling petroleum products, Long-chained hydrocarbons |
high temperature 5% phenyl, 1% vinyl, 94% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-WAX HT | 300°C | unique column | - | Extend the temperature limits of your FAST-GC and GCxGC methods while using a polar WAX phase |
high temperature polyethylenglycol (PEG) |
GC oszlopok
Applikáció specifikus
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-10 100% cyanopropyl polysiloxane |
260°C | HP-88, AT-Silar, Silar 10, Rtx-2560, SP-2560, BPX-70 CP Sil 88, ZB-FAME | EPA: 613, 1613, 8290B, etc. USP: G5, G8, G48 |
High polarity column ideal for cis/trans FAMEs isomers analysis, available also for FAST-GC |
MEGA-13 13% phenyl, 87% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | CP Sil 13 CB | EPA: 601, 602, 624, etc. | General purpose column, ideal as confrmation column |
MEGA-20 20% phenyl 80% methyl polysiloxane |
340°C | AT-20(+), 007-7, Rtx-20, SPB-20 | USP: G28, G32 | General purpose column, ideal as confrmation column |
MEGA-200 trifuoropropyl, methyl polysiloxane |
250°C | DB-200, DB-210, AT-210(+), 007-210, Rtx-200, SP-2401, VF-200 ms | EPA: 551, 612, 625, 8095, etc. USP: G6 |
Unique selectivity column, Freon fuorocarbons, ketones, alcohols, organophosphorus pesticides, etc. |
MEGA-225 25% cyanopropyl, 25% phenyl 50% methyl polysiloxane |
260°C | DB-225, HP-225, AT-225(+), 007-225, Rtx-225, BP-225, CP Sil 43 CB | EPA: 8095, etc. USP: G7, G19, G26 |
Mid-to-high polarity phase Carbohydrates, sterols, favor compounds, etc. |
MEGA-35 35% phenyl, 65% methyl polysiloxane |
340°C | DB-35, HP-35, AT-35(+), ZB-35, 007-11, ZB-MultiResidue-2, Rtx-35, SPB-35, SPB-608 | EPA: 507, 508, 513, 551.1, 615, 622, etc. USP: G28, G32, G42 |
General purpose column Pesticides, PCBs, substituted polar compounds, phenols, etc. Ideal as confrmation column |
MEGA-50 50% cyanopropyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane |
260°C | DB-23, Silar-5, Rtx-2330, SP-2330 | USP: G8 | Mid-to-high polarity phase Carbohydrates, sterols, FAMEs, favor compounds, etc. |
MEGA-ALC 1&2 proprietary specifc phases |
280°C | DB-ALC 1&2, Rtx-BAC 1&2 | – | Application specifc column for blood alcohols testing |
MEGA-BASIC proprietary specifc phases |
nincs adat | unique column | – | Application specifc column for basic compouns (e.g. amines) |
MEGA-BIODIESEL phases for biodiesel analysis |
380° (EN14105) |
Biodiesel Columns | EN 14105 (ASTM 6584), EN 14103, EN 14110, EN 14331 | Application specifc column for free and total glycerine (phase stable up to 380°C) and for FAMEs in biodiesel analysis |
MEGA-DAI 1&2 proprietary unique phases for Direct Aqueous Injections |
320°C | unique column | – | Application specifc column for direct introduction of aqueous samples, thus minimizing sample preparation |
MEGA-FFAP EXT acid modifed polyethylene glycol (PEG) |
260°C | DB-FFAP, AT-1000(+), ZB-FFAP, 007-FFAP, Stabilwax-DA, BP-21, Nukol, CP Wax 57 CB |
EPA: 8032, etc. USP: G14, G15, G16, G25, G35, G39 |
General purpose column ideal for free acids, FAMEs, BTEX aromatics, favor compounds, alcohols, spirits, polar compounds, etc. Extended temperature range phase, crossbonded. Aqueous samples compatible |
MEGA-JXR 100% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | no equivalent on the market | USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 | General purpose apolar column |
MEGA-LAP proprietary unique phase for Lipids Analysis |
370°C | unique column | – | Application specifc column for lipids, sterols and triglycerides analysis |
MEGA-PAH unique phase for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
350°C | unique column | EPA: 610, 8100, etc. | Application specifc column for polycyclic aromatics hydrocarbon |
MEGA-PLUS copolynmer polyethylene glycol + methyl polysiloxane |
nincs adat | Agilent „DX” columns series |
EPA: 505, etc | Choose also between MEGA-PLUS 25 (25% PEG), MEGA-PLUS 75 (75% PEG)… and others! We can customize these columns as you need! |
MEGA-POF 1&2 proprietary phases for pesticides, herbicides and insecticides |
nincs adat | unique column ZB-MultiResidue-1 (MEGA-POF 1) |
EPA: 622, etc | Application specifc columns developed for pesticides, herbicides, insecticides analysis etc. |
MEGA-1 PONA PDMS optimized for hydrocarbons analysis |
350°C | DB-Petro, HP-Pona, Rtx-1 Pona, Petrocol |
ASTM D6730-01, etc | Optimized phase for DHA (Detailed Hydrocarbons Analysis), PONA, PIANO and PNA analysis |
MEGA-PS255 1% vinyl, 99% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | no equivalent on the market | – | Apolar phase, suitable for high film thickness columns, to analyze solvents, alcohols, volatiles, etc. |
MEGA-PS264 5.8% phenyl, 0.2% vinyl, 94% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | no equivalent on the market | – | Apolar phase, suitable for high film thickness columns, to analyze solvents, alcohols, volatiles, etc. |
MEGA-SE30 100% methyl polysiloxane |
350°C | SE30 | EPA: 504.1, 505, 606, 8141A, etc. USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 |
General purpose apolar column |
MEGA-SOLVE 1&2 proprietary unique phases for complex solvents mix analysis |
nincs adat | unique column TCEP (MEGA-SOLVE 2) |
– | Application specifc columns developed for complex solvents mixtures analysis. MEGA-SOLVE 2 is ideal for aromatics and oxygenates in gasoline |
MEGA-TCEP 1,2,3-tris- (2-cyanoethoxy)propane |
150°C | CP-TCEP, Rt-TCEP, SPB-TCEP | – | Application specifc columns ideal for aromatics and oxygenates in gasoline |
MEGA-VOC 1&2 proprietary phases for Volatile Organic Compounds |
nincs adat | unique columns | EPA: 503.1, 504.1, 524.2, 551.1, 601, 602, 603, 1624, 8010B, 8021B, 8030A, 8260B, etc. |
Application specifc columns for volatiles organic compounds (OVIs), solvents and purgeable compounds. Due to the high max. temperature, they are ideals for two-parallel columns confg. in the same oven. |
Állófázis | T max* | Megfelelője | EPA, USP Módszerek | Applikációk |
MEGA-10 | 260°C | HP-88, AT-Silar, Silar 10, Rtx-2560, SP-2560, BPX-70 CP Sil 88, ZB-FAME | EPA: 613, 1613, 8290B, etc. | High polarity column ideal for cis/trans FAMEs isomers analysis, available also for FAST-GC |
100% cyanopropyl polysiloxane | USP: G5, G8, G48 | |||
MEGA-13 | 350°C | CP Sil 13 CB | EPA: 601, 602, 624, etc. | General purpose column, ideal as confrmation column |
13% phenyl, 87% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-20 | 340°C | AT-20(+), 007-7, Rtx-20, SPB-20 | USP: G28, G32 | General purpose column, ideal as confrmation column |
20% phenyl 80% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-200 | 250°C | DB-200, DB-210, AT-210(+), 007-210, Rtx-200, SP-2401, VF-200 ms | EPA: 551, 612, 625, 8095, etc. | Unique selectivity column, Freon fuorocarbons, ketones, alcohols, organophosphorus pesticides, etc. |
trifuoropropyl, methyl polysiloxane | USP: G6 | |||
MEGA-225 | 260°C | DB-225, HP-225, AT-225(+), 007-225, Rtx-225, BP-225, CP Sil 43 CB | EPA: 8095, etc. | Mid-to-high polarity phase Carbohydrates, sterols, favor compounds, etc. |
25% cyanopropyl, 25% phenyl 50% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-35 | 340°C | DB-35, HP-35, AT-35(+), ZB-35, 007-11, ZB-MultiResidue-2, Rtx-35, SPB-35, SPB-608 | EPA: 507, 508, 513, 551.1, 615, 622, etc. | General purpose column Pesticides, PCBs, substituted polar compounds, phenols, etc. Ideal as confrmation column |
35% phenyl, 65% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G28, G32, G42 | |||
MEGA-50 | 260°C | DB-23, Silar-5, Rtx-2330, SP-2330 | USP: G8 | Mid-to-high polarity phase Carbohydrates, sterols, FAMEs, favor compounds, etc. |
50% cyanopropyl, 50% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-ALC 1&2 | 280°C | DB-ALC 1&2, Rtx-BAC 1&2 | - | Application specifc column for blood alcohols testing |
proprietary specifc phases | ||||
MEGA-BASIC | unique column | - | Application specifc column for basic compouns (e.g. amines) | |
proprietary specifc phases | ||||
MEGA-BIODIESEL | 380° (EN14105) | Biodiesel Columns | EN 14105 (ASTM 6584), EN 14103, EN 14110, EN 14331 | Application specifc column for free and total glycerine (phase stable up to 380°C) and for FAMEs in biodiesel analysis |
phases for biodiesel analysis | ||||
MEGA-DAI 1&2 | 320°C | unique column | - | Application specifc column for direct introduction of aqueous samples, thus minimizing sample preparation |
proprietary unique phases for Direct Aqueous Injections | ||||
MEGA-FFAP EXT | 260°C | DB-FFAP, AT-1000(+), ZB-FFAP, 007-FFAP, Stabilwax-DA, BP-21, Nukol, CP Wax 57 CB | EPA: 8032, etc. | General purpose column ideal for free acids, FAMEs, BTEX aromatics, favor compounds, alcohols, spirits, polar compounds, etc. Extended temperature range phase, crossbonded. Aqueous samples compatible |
acid modifed polyethylene glycol (PEG) | USP: G14, G15, G16, G25, G35, G39 | |||
MEGA-JXR | 350°C | no equivalent on the market | USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 | General purpose apolar column |
100% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-LAP | 370°C | unique column | - | Application specifc column for lipids, sterols and triglycerides analysis |
proprietary unique phase for Lipids Analysis | ||||
MEGA-PAH | 350°C | unique column | EPA: 610, 8100, etc. | Application specifc column for polycyclic aromatics hydrocarbon |
unique phase for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons | ||||
MEGA-PLUS | nincs adat | Agilent “DX” columns series | EPA: 505, etc | Choose also between MEGA-PLUS 25 (25% PEG), MEGA-PLUS 75 (75% PEG)… and others! We can customize these columns as you need! |
copolynmer polyethylene glycol + methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-POF 1&2 | nincs adat | unique column ZB-MultiResidue-1 (MEGA-POF 1) | EPA: 622, etc | Application specifc columns developed for pesticides, herbicides, insecticides analysis etc. |
proprietary phases for pesticides, herbicides and insecticides | ||||
MEGA-1 PONA | 350°C | DB-Petro, HP-Pona, Rtx-1 Pona, Petrocol | ASTM D6730-01, etc | Optimized phase for DHA (Detailed Hydrocarbons Analysis), PONA, PIANO and PNA analysis |
PDMS optimized for hydrocarbons analysis | ||||
MEGA-PS255 | 350°C | no equivalent on the market | - | Apolar phase, suitable for high film thickness columns, to analyze solvents, alcohols, volatiles, etc. |
1% vinyl, 99% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-PS264 | 350°C | no equivalent on the market | - | Apolar phase, suitable for high film thickness columns, to analyze solvents, alcohols, volatiles, etc. |
5.8% phenyl, 0.2% vinyl, 94% methyl polysiloxane | ||||
MEGA-SE30 | 350°C | SE30 | EPA: 504.1, 505, 606, 8141A, etc. | General purpose apolar column |
100% methyl polysiloxane | USP: G1, G2, G9, G38 | |||
MEGA-SOLVE 1&2 | nincs adat | unique column TCEP (MEGA-SOLVE 2) | - | Application specifc columns developed for complex solvents mixtures analysis. MEGA-SOLVE 2 is ideal for aromatics and oxygenates in gasoline |
proprietary unique phases for complex solvents mix analysis | ||||
MEGA-TCEP | 150°C | CP-TCEP, Rt-TCEP, SPB-TCEP | - | Application specifc columns ideal for aromatics and oxygenates in gasoline |
1,2,3-tris- (2-cyanoethoxy)propane | ||||
MEGA-VOC 1&2 | nincs adat | unique columns | EPA: 503.1, 504.1, 524.2, 551.1, 601, 602, 603, 1624, 8010B, 8021B, 8030A, 8260B, etc. | Application specifc columns for volatiles organic compounds (OVIs), solvents and purgeable compounds. Due to the high max. temperature, they are ideals for two-parallel columns confg. in the same oven. |
proprietary phases for Volatile Organic Compounds |
GC oszlopok
Új fejlesztések

Metal MTX kapilláris kolonnák magas hőmérsékletű GC alkalmazásokra (egészen 420-430°C -ig a HT fázisokkal). Szinte mindegyik állófázis (a nem HT-t is) felvitelét kérheti az inert fém kapillárisra.

A MEGA-WAX Plus kolonna egy új stabil és inert PEG fázis (270°C max. hőmérséklet) Kiváló GC-MS alkalmazásokra, ekvivalens az InnoWax kolonnákkal. Keresztkötésű, és a vízzel szemben ellenálló.

MEGA-FFAP EXT kolonna keresztkötésű, és víznek ellenálló változata a jól ismert MEGA-ACID (FFAP) fázisnak, szélesebb hőmérséklet tartománnyal.

MEGA-2D egy forradalmian új, egymás után két különböző fázissal borított kolonna, GCxGC és MD-GC alkalmazásokra. Nincs szükség csatlakozásra. Kérjen tőlünk információt, és fedezzen fel új szelektivitási lehelőségeket a MEGA-2D technológiával a hagyományos 1D GC-vel alkalmazva.

MEGA-XMLB kolonna egy új szelektivitású alacsony polaritású fázis, ideális, mint megerősítő kolonna. A MEGA-XMLB alacsony vérzésű, magas hőmérsékletig stabil (360°C ) Kiváló Peszticidekre, PCB és PAH analízisre.

MEGA-PAH 2 kolonna a MEGA-PAH kolonnával megoldja az EU-szabályozás alá eső PAH izomerek elválasztását. A nagy hőstabilitás és az alacsony kolonna vérzés biztosítja a kiváló jel-zaj viszonyt.

MEGA-WAX BA egy bázis kezelt PEG kolonna kifejezetten bázikus vegyületek analízisére fejlesztették ki, pl. alkylamines, diamines, triamines stb.
Helyettesíthetőség fázisonként
MEGA-1 | DB-1, HP-1 | AT-1 | ZB-1 | 007-1 | Rtx-1 | BP-1 | SPB-1 | CP-Sil 5 CB |
MEGA-5 | DB-5, HP-5 | AT-5 | ZB-5 | 007-5 | Rtx-5 | BP-5 | SPB-5 | CP-Sil 8 CB |
MEGA-1 MS | DB-1 ms, Ultra-1, HP-1 ms | AT-1 | ZB-1 ms | 007-1 | Rtx-1 ms | BPX-1 | SPB-1, Equity-1 | CP-Sil 5 CB low bleed/ms, VF-1 ms |
MEGA-5 MS | DB-5 ms, Ultra-2, HP-5 ms | AT-5 ms | ZB-5 ms | 007-5 ms | Rtx-5 ms | BPX-5 | SPB-5, Equity-5 | |
MEGA-WAX | DB-Wax, HP-Wax, InnoWax | AT-Wax | ZB-Wax | 007-CW | Rtx-Wax | BP-20 | OmegaWax | CP-Wax 52 CB |
MEGA-WAX MS | DB-Wax, HP-Wax | AT-Wax ms | ZB-Wax Plus | 007-CW | Stabilwax | BP-20 | OmegaWax | VF-Wax ms |
MEGA-35 MS | DB-35 ms | MR2 | Rtx-35 Sil ms | BPX-35, BPX-608 | ||||
MEGA-17 MS | DB-17 ms | Rtx-17 Sil ms | ||||||
MEGA-225 MS | unique column | |||||||
MEGA-35 | DB-35, HP-35 | AT-35 | ZB-35, MR2 | 007-11 | Rtx-35 | BPX-35,BPX-608 | SPB-35, SPB-608 | |
MEGA-1701 | DB-1701, HP-1701 | AT-1701 | ZB-1701 | 007-1701 | Rtx-1701 | BP-10 | SPB-1701 | CP-Sil 19 CB,VF-1701 ms |
MEGA-17 | DB-17, DB-608, HP-17 | AT-50 | ZB-50 | 007-17 | Rtx-17 | BPX-50 | SPB-50 | CP-Sil 24 CB, VF-17 ms |
MEGA-ACID (FFAP) | DB-FFAP | AT-1000 | 007-FFAP | Stabilwax-DA | BP-21 | SPB-1000, Nukol | CP-Wax 58 CB | |
MEGA-10 | HP-88 | AT-Silar | Rtx-2560 | BP-70, BPX-70 | SP-2560 | CP-Sil 88 | ||
MEGA-13 | CP-Sil 13 CB | |||||||
MEGA-624 | DB-624, DB-1301,HP-624, DB-1301 | AT-624 | ZB-624 | 007-624, 007-1301 | Rtx-624, Rtx-Vocol, Rtx-1301 | BP-624 | SPB-1301, Vocol, SPB-624 | CP-1301, VF-624 ms |
MEGA-200 | DB-200, DB-210 | AT-210 | 007-210 | Rtx-200 | SP-2401 | VF-200 ms | ||
MEGA-225 | DB-225, HP-225 | AT-225 | 007-225 | Rtx-225 | BP-225 | CP-Sil 43 CB | ||
MEGA-PS264 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MEGA-PS255 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MEGA-SE52 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MEGA-SE54 | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – |
MEGA-1 PONA | DB-Petro, HP-Pona | Rtx-1 Pona | Petrocol | |||||
MEGA-50 | DB-23 | Rtx-2330 | SP-2330 | |||||
MEGA-20 | AT-20 | 007-7 | Rtx-20 | SPB-20 | ||||
MEGA-PLUS | unique columns (equivalent to Agilent DX phases) | |||||||
MEGA-LAP | unique column | |||||||
MEGA-BASIC | unique column | |||||||
MEGA-SOLVE 1&2 | unique columns (MEGA-SOLVE 2 phase is equivalent to TCEP columns) | |||||||
MEGA-DAI 1&2 | unique column |
GC oszlopokhoz
Retentions GAP
Egyszerű kezelhetőség – Kiváló Inertség – Könnyű beüzemelés
Deaktivált, így alkalmas bármilyen GC analitikai feladatra, használható poláros és apoláros oldószerekkel, víztartalmú minták injektálása esetén általános használatra. Minden belső átmérőben kapható (0.05, 0.075, 0.10, 0.15, 0.18, 0.20, 0.25, 0.32, 0,45 és 0,53mm I.D.) standard és magas hőmérsékletű fused silica változatban is. Bármilyen hosszban és előre levágott, egyenként csomagolt, használatra kész formában. Kérésre előre felszereljük a GC kolonnára a saját gyártású Press-Fit összekötővel. A MEGA Retenciós Gap kiváló kémiai inertséggel rendelkezik. Fókuszálja az analitokat, amikor nagyobb mennyiségű folyékony mintát injektálunk a kolonnára, megvédi az analitikai kolonnát a szennyeződéstől. A deaktivált retenciós gap jól használható összekötőként a GC rendszerek különböző konfigurációjú részei között.
PRESS-FIT Connectors
Megfelelő tömítés
A MEGA Press-Fit összekötőkkel egyszerűen, jó tömítéssel köthetünk össze különböző kolonnákat, vagy a Retenciós Gap analitikai kolonnával. Az “Y” 3-utas összekötővel egy injektor – két kolonna és két detektor konfigurációban használják. Többutas összekötőt bonyolultabb konfigurációkhoz, mint MD-GC és egyedi összeállítások esetében alkalmaznak.
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